Wednesday, April 3, 2013

As Can Be Seen In The Hydrograph Discharge

 proud poppa's pool
 The boys before we hit the road

 Stopped to pick up Dan

 sexiest biker chick of all time
 all man

 rollin through the traffic jam with the van door open leads to great shots



 "yeah! dat dang'ol creekriver yeah!"

 Blue Ridge Mountains NC to Mississipi Delta
 conditional maryland license

 stayed with some ladies

the big muddy

 on to Austin TX
Arkansas I think

 one of the best evenings of my life

 note the sandals



 fat brophy cop

 suited and booted

 Laura wins

 family style
 buttons were sacrificed

 the queen of austin

 saying goodbye

 6 months later

 first meal


then we moved to Kentucky